Corporate and Occupational Health Physiotherapy

Looking after your employees at work at home and in the community

At Shropshire Physiotherapy we understand how important it is for employers to have a fit and healthy workforce. Maintaining productive and efficient staff is often the key to the success of a business. We offer several unique services to help support employees remaining at work and returning to work. Our team of experts work seamlessly with employers to ensure employees are able to stay at work or return quickly and safely.

Both employee and employer can mutually benefit from workplace physiotherapy. Fitting readily in line with most business and company health policies, physiotherapy allows employers to see the rewards of increased productivityminimal time away from workreduced liability insurance and settlement payouts and improved health and morale as employees enjoy the benefit of direct and personalised treatments.

We have been operating from the heart of Newport since 2011, in this time we’ve supported a range of businesses from small local businesses with less than 5 employees to large multi-national corporations.

What we do

We offer treatments for employees who require musculoskeletal rehabilitation for injuries and symptoms such as back and neck painrepetitive strain disorder and joint conditions. We use a variety of techniques and strategies to improve work efficiency and enhance personal wellbeing. Happily working in conjunction with associated company departments (health & safety, human resources, occupational health), we offer a bespoke service for employees – encompassing one to one assessmenttreatmentpreventative measures and workplace ergonomics, promoting an ethos of self-help and personal maintenance.

Employee Health and Well Being.

41% of work related illness is due to musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries (Source HSE). We aim to reduce this figure within your business. In 2019 6.9 million days were lost due to MSK disorders, with an average of 14 days per employee lost per year (Labour Force/HSE)

Our aims.
  • Early support to reduce sickness
  • Early adaption to roll to maintain productive employee
  • Faster return to full duties following immediate intervention
  • Remote triage online or via telephone if patient cant attend face to face
  • Appointments available within 3 days
  • Average treatment length is 5 sessions
  • Long term plans for patients to reduce impact of injuries
  • Local network and relationships with GPs, specialists, to aid faster processes in return to work.
Blended model of services

At Shropshire Physiotherapy we recognise our pathways help and diagnose faster, treat more appropriately, monitor more effectively and discharge patients consistently. We pride ourselves on being flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of every business.

Ease of access to physiotherapy services will reduce the cost and impact of untreated musculoskeletal concerns your business remains productive and your workforce feels valued and cared for.

Our physiotherapists will provide quality clinical services and have a greater understanding of the culture and demands of the organisation impacting workplace health and will share these insights to drive workplace initiatives to focus on preventative MSK strategies.

If you are interested in our services and would like to discuss your needs further then please contact us on 01952 825042 to arrange a more in-depth discovery of your needs or email on

We pride ourselves in the delivery of Corporate and Occupational Health Physiotherapy

We pride ourselves in the delivery of Corporate and Occupational Health Physiotherapy to all members of the public young and old, we diagnose, treat and improve all manner of injuries and conditions. From age related problems to work related to adolescent injuries we can help.

CLICK HERE to book your appointment online!